Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • We are meditating for the Virgo Full Moon tomorrow.  This Moon aligns with Saturn shifting into Pisces.  Making this one of the most important astrological shifts of the year.  Powerful Energies for healing.  A focus on healing your energy and…

  • Happy 3:3 Portal.  March is bringing us a powerhouse of energies.  That means expect major energy shifts this month.  Tonight we have a powerful Venus and Chiron Conjunction happening.  Chiron is the astroid of all your hurts and healing.  Chiron’s…

  • Happy 3:3 Portal!!! Amazing Energies to be doing healing work with, or to be manifesting with.  I’m doing activations all day long today.  Here are the link to the ones I am doing just for today.  You just sign up…

  • We are in the 3:3 Portal.  This a powerful Galactic Gateway and a Twin Flame Portal.  Tonight we have a rare Jupiter Venus Conjunction.  We call this Kissing Planets.  They have been shifting closer and closer through February.  Tonight they…

  • I’m doing Activations today for the rare 3:2 Jupiter Venus Conjunction happening Now.  We call this kissing planets.  Expect a night time kiss in the sky above us.  As these Planets merge energy it’s great for tapping into.  Time to…

  • March is such a High Energy Month.  In march we have 7 major conjunctions happening.  Conjunctions kick off and shift us into new planetary cycles.  They bring very strong energies that help to shift us forward on our path.  March…