Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • Happy 8:8 Portal! The Lion’s Gate Portal is opening in the sky.  The Earth is in a powerful direct alignment with the Galactic Center, Central Sun, Sun, Sirius, and Orion.  Orions Belt Is perfectly aligned with the Pyramids of Giza…

  • I’ll be doing Activations for the Lions Gate Portal.  We are being flooded with high frequency energies right now.  It’s an amazing time to be doing any kind of energy work.  Huge influx of Light Codes.  Make sure your tapping…

  • The energies are so high right now.  We are now moving into the best part of the Lionsgate Portal.  The Lionsgate is a powerful Sirian Stargate.  We are going to be continuing to feel a huge influx of energies as…

  • It’s a good time to be calling on or working with Archangel Ariel.  אריאל.  Ariel helps to take care of the Earth’s elements (Earth, Water, Wind, Fire).  Ariel is a liaison between the human and the elemental world of spirits,…

  • Huge incoming Solar Storm.  But why should we care? Look around something is going on. Most of you can feel it on such a soul level, but you can’t quite put your finger on it.  Things are not as they…

  • We are doing the deepest healing work in this lifetime of any lives we have ever had.  It is amazing to just be on the Planet during this time.  We are here to heal and clear any of our negative…