Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • Happy Lughnasadh, or Lammas! Lammas is one of the 8 solar festivals of the wheel of the year.  It’s a Celtic fire festive.  It’s a time to celebrate the union of the Sun and the Earth, of God and Goddess,…

  • It’s the last day of July.  Things are ending with a bang.  Its been an eventful weekend.  Tonight is also still the peak of the The Delta Aquariids Meteor Shower.  It’s Fireball Season.  Fireballs are more likely to occur during…

  • Today is Shooting Star Saturday.  It’s the peak of the Delta Aquarids, Capricornids, and Perseids Meteor Shower.  That means that Earth is passing through all that debris, of 3 meteor showers.  Expect some major energies today.  Expect tons of shooting…

  • I’m doing activations today.  It’s Shooting Star Saturday.  We are in the peak of a Triple Meteor Shower right now.  Right now it’s the peak of the Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower, the Capricornids Meteor Shower, and the Perseids Meteor Shower. …

  • Tonight’s Leo Moon is helping us to kick off the energies of the Lions Gate.  We are going to be continuing to receive a huge influx of Galactic Energies over the next few weeks.  Leo season is one of the…

  • We are meditating today for the Leo New Moon.  I’m doing it at Noon California time, 8PM UK time.  It is a video and will be available in replay.  Here is the link to sign up… art: @kokeeneva