Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • Happy Galactic New Year! Today is a New Planetary Year.  A new 12 month cycle has begun.  We have also entered the Lionsgate Portal.  The light codes are already beginning to pour in.  Expect this years Lionsgate Portal to be…

  • Happy Galactic New Year and Lionsgate Portal!! I’ll be doing activations all day today.  It’s the best time to be doing energy work.  Here are the links for the ones I’m doing. Galactic New Year Activation… Lionsgate Portal Activation……

  • I know a lot of you have been feeling intense purge symptoms at different times.  This can look like intense, pain, grief, or sadness.  It can look like intense fear coming to the surface, or feeling panicked, or lost.  It…

  • We have some powerful Galactic Alignments occurring.  Today, July 25th, is A Day Out Of Time.  There are 13 Moons of 28 days, making 364 days.  Today is the extra day.  It’s the last day of the year in the…

  • Today is A Day Out Of Time.  I’m going to be doing activations today, as well as tomorrow.  Tomorrow is the Galactic New Year.  Because of this we are in a heightened space for the energies over the next 48…

  • Millions of people around the world are celebrating.  Today is Mary Magdalene Feast Day.  Mary Magdalene works with the energies of the Divine Feminine.  Mary Magdalene is an Ascended Master helping to oversee things on a higher level.  She stands…