Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • We are continuing to receive huge amounts of Pleiadian Energies.  We are still in this Portal of high frequency energies until the 24th.  The energies are at the strongest now.  This is a powerful time for connecting with your Star…

  • We are in a Pleiadian Portal until the 24th.  Our Sun is moving into a powerful alignment with the Pleiades right now.  Our Sun and the Pleiades have begun a Cosmic Dance that they do each year.  They intertwine creating…

  • This week is a Pleiadian Portal week.  The Sun is passing close to the Pleiades Star System in the constellation of Taurus right now.  Every year from May 16th- 24th a Pleiadian Portal opens.  During the Pleiadian Alignment the Earth,…

  • I’m still at Shasta and I’m doing activations today.  This is where Heaven and Earth meet.  It’s powerful healing Vortex.  We have beautiful energies to be tapping into right now.  Today is the first day of our Pleiadian Portal.  Here…

  • This Scorpio Full Moon Eclipse and Mercury Retrograde combined are here to help you clear your past more.  The past is gone, but these energies are to help you clear what remains of it.  You should be getting more clarity…

  • Tomorrow kicks off that Eclipse Storm.  We are already feeling the energies of this weekends Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse.  This is actually a Super Moon too.  These energies may feel deep to some.  Expect this Eclipse to bring a huge…