Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • We are going to do our Healing Traumas class today at Noon Cali time (8pm UK time).  It’s always available to watch anytime on replay.  We are going into Clearing energies, PTSD, and trauma healing.  Great for all levels.  Here…

  • Happy 5:5 Portal.  Today is a beautiful Elohim/ Pleiadian Portal.  We have powerful Angelic/ Galactic Energies coming through.  Your Angels are around you a little extra right now.  They are always there if you need support energetically.  All you have…

  • I’m doing 5:5 Portal Activations today.  Today is a powerful day for doing healing and activation work.  The Galactic Energies are at a high.  There is so much magic in the air this Shift.  I’ll be doing activations all day…

  • Happy May Day! Today we Celebrate Beltane! We have shifted into a new month.  Today is a day for the Goddess.  It’s a time of the Earth Energies awakening and activating.  It’s also all about the Fairies!  You may have…

  • The energies are at an all time high.  Today I am doing activations for Beltane.  It’s a beautiful time to be tapping into both the Earth/ Ley Line Energies and the Galactic Energies.  Here is the link to sign up…

  • We are going to be feeling the energies continue to rise over the next few weeks.  Tonight’s Solar Eclipse will open a doorway.  That space, in between tonight’s Solar Eclipse and the Scorpio Total Lunar Eclipse that will happen May…