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The 1st is Imbolc. We Celebrate Imbolc from Feb 1st thru Sundown Feb 2nd. Imbolc marks the half way point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. During this time fire festivals happen to honor the Fairy Goddess Brigid,…
Synchronicity is at an all time high with today’s Aquarius New Moon. Nothing is a coincidence. The synchronicities help guide you and also connect larger events in your life. Intuitive nudges, signs that have meaning, feathers, coins, birds, and animals,…
We are coming together to meditate today for the Aquarius New Moon. We meditate at Noon Cali time, 8pm UK time. It’s available anytime on replay though. Amazing energies to be doing some healing work. Here is the link…
Today is the first day of Aquarius Season. The cosmic fog that we have been moving through is now clearing. Aquarius is the water bear. It’s also a very collective oriented sign. The Aquarius New Moon that happens the 21st…
We are meditating Tomorrow for the Aquarius New Moon. The seeds we plant now are so important for our future/ especially the year ahead. We are doing our usual coming together to meditate to do some chakra clearing/ healing work. …
We have a New Moon in Aquarius Jan 21st. Aquarius is the rebel of the zodiac. It’s us bringing fresh energies for the year ahead. The Retrograde Planets Mercury and Mars are now Direct. That means we have been clearing…
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