Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • Happy 3:3 Portal! The Planet is really starting to feel the Galactic Energies coming in right now.   The frequencies are going to keep rising too.  The best thing that we can do is to raise our own vibrational frequency…

  • Happy 3:3 Portal! Today is a powerful Galactic Activation Day!  We still have a lot of Moon Energy hitting us which is giving this Gateway a Lunar tone.  It’s an amazing time to be doing healing work over the next…

  • We are in Pisces Season and preparing for the Pisces New Moon.  Pisces, one of the most spiritual signs in the zodiac.  3/2 we have a Pisces New Moon.  This New Moon is going to be felt as it’s combining…

  • We are doing Pyramids Of Isis 2 tomorrow.   I’m going to do it at Noon California time, so 7pm UK time.  You can watch it anytime on replay.  Amazing for anyone trying to connect with the energies of Ancient…

  • We are shifting into March! March is going to bring so many energies!  March takes us into the energies of the Equinox.  That means that after next week’s 3:3 Portal we are really going to be opening up to those…

  • We have our soul gifts activating.  Right now we are continuing to receive DNA activations.  We will continue to move through a huge influx of Ascension Energies over the next 48 hours.  The next 48 hours we are in a…