Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • Back on January 18th Uranus shifted out of it’s retrograde.  Uranus was retrograde for 5 months, that’s about 155 days.  Things are moving forward now.  We can expect the next few months to shake up and bring major changes into…

  • We are working on activating our light body.  Our light body is out true body, our spiritual body.  It’s how you travel between dimensions.  It’s your true form within, and in the astral and the afterlife.  Our light body is…

  • We have our Priestess Of The Rose Activation Monday 2/14- We have our Usui Reiki level 2 class Tuesday 2/15- We have our Leo Full Moon Meditation Wednesday 2/16- art: @edurnenaia

  • We are in a powerful activation portal.  Last night we had a weak explosion happen that has hurled a CME at us.  That means we are going to be feeling the energetic effects over the next few days.  This CME…

  • We are doing Usui Reiki 2 now.  You just sign up and I send you the material.  We go over the book on live video next week in a private Facebook group.  I then attune and certify you.  Here is…

  • Just really take care of yourself a little extra right now.  In whatever way that may be.  Now is the time to be working really hard on you yourself.  We have things left to clear right now.  This could just…