Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • I’m teaching Kundalini Reiki today.  It’s amazing for all levels.  It’s at Noon Cali time, 8pm UK time.  You can catch the video on replay anytime though.  This is possibly the only attunement process able to open both the Universal…

  • Happy Libra New Moon! Right now we are still receiving a huge influx of energies.  This New Moon is aligned with the Galactic Center of our Milky Way! Welcome to the Super Galactic Center Portal! Libra is a Venus ruled…

  • Happy Libra New Moon! This Moon is extra powerful as it’s aligned with our Galactic Center.  We are coming together to meditate today at Noon Cali time (8pm UK time).  Here is the link to sign up! art: @blackrosesandsparklythings_

  • Happy Solar Equinox! The Equinox is where the plane of Earth’s equator passes through the geometric center of the Sun’s disk.  The Equinox is always half way between the two Solstices.  This is a key event, that is shifting us…

  • The 22nd will kick off some major energies.  Tomorrow is the Equinox, and we also shift into Libra Season.  Expect heightened energies, and heightened magic.  We will be continuing to feel the energies of the Equinox over the next few…

  • Happy Equinox! It’s a Faerie Festival.  The Faerie Festivals take place on the crossover points in the seasons.  During the crossover points there are huge energy shifts that occur.  During the Autumn Equinox we celebrate and honor the Faery Queen. …