Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • We have a Venus Star Point occurring tomorrow in the sign of Capricorn.  Venus will pass between the Earth and the Sun.  This is a magical day.  The planet of love aligns with our Sun.  This Venus Star Point is…

  • I am doing my Usui Reiki level 1 and 2 classes in a special group.  Reiki level 1 will be Jan 24th and Reiki level 2 will be Feb 15th.  These classes as great for anyone at any level.  Great…

  • Within these energies we have such a potential like never before to change our DNA.  We can use these energies to activate our DNA.  We all start out on the minimal 2 strand carbon based template.  Humanity has remained in…

  • Welcome to a New Year! This year is going to be all about you.  Within these energies we have the potential to make some huge shifts.  Who you are at your core is changing.  You should be feeling a desire…

  • We are doing an Egyptian Initiation Meditation today for the Capricorn New Moon.  We are going to live stream video it at 11am California time, 2pm New York time, 7pm UK time.  You can watch it anytime though on replay…

  • Tonight at midnight we celebrate Sirius reaching its highest point in the sky.  Sirius will be directly above us, showering us in its light.  We will be directly downstream from these energies.  We can expect special downloads.  This is the…