Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • We are meditating December 4th for the Sagittarius Solar Eclipse.  It’s an amazing time to do some healing/ activation work.  It’s a great time from the Eclipse til the Solstice to be connecting with the solar light codes coming in. …

  • December is going to bring some big astrology, and some big energies.  We can also expect a Comet and one of the best Meteor Showers of the year.  We are in the last bit of Autumn right now.  That means…

  • This month has brought us some of the biggest geomagnetic storms that we have seen for years.  We have a week left of November.  That means we will spend that week clearing the energies of the past month as we…

  • The Sun is quiet right now and the solars are really low.  The Galactics are still coming in strong.  The energies today are very healing and are to help with integrating some of the recent upgrades that have been going…

  • We are in some beautiful energies.  Today is the peak of the Pleiadian Portal.  Today Earth, and the Sun are in perfect alignment with the Pleiades.  The Planet is being flooded with lots of high frequency Galactic Energies.  We are…

  • Today The Earth and the Sun are in full alignment with the Pleiades.  It’s the peak of the Pleiadian Portal.  These are amazing energies, that we should be tapping into.  It’s amazing energies to be using for doing healing and…