Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • We are moving through the energies of this week’s Pleiadian Portal.  It’s already kicked off some solar winds that will join it.  We are in a powerful Pleiadian Alignment right now.  Right now the Sun, and our Earth are in…

  • Monday night the waves are going to start.  This week takes us is through some huge Cosmic Energies.  Some of you may feel the frequencies rising even faster.  That’s why you may want to do some extra self care, or…

  • We are still feeling and integrating a lot of energies from the 11:11 Portal.  You may need extra rest this weekend to process some of the upgrades.  We are also preparing for, and feeling the energies of this year’s last…

  • The energies of today’s 11:11 Portal is very much a Gateway to your dreams.  The energies of the past few days, have been helping you to clear the blocks and limitations.  Sometimes these are deeper feelings that may have been…

  • I’m doing 11:11 Portal Activations all day today.  It’s amazing energies to be using too.  It’s the best time to be tapping into the energies for doing healing work.  Here is the link to sign up to be activated……

  • We are very much in the energies of the 11:11 Portal this week.  The next 24 hours is about to bring a huge influx of energies, that will take us fully through the 11:11 Portal.  This is by far this…