Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • I’m doing 5:5 Portal Activations today.  Today is a powerful day for doing healing and activation work.  The Galactic Energies are at a high.  There is so much magic in the air this Shift.  I’ll be doing activations all day…

  • Happy May Day! Today we Celebrate Beltane! We have shifted into a new month.  Today is a day for the Goddess.  It’s a time of the Earth Energies awakening and activating.  It’s also all about the Fairies!  You may have…

  • The energies are at an all time high.  Today I am doing activations for Beltane.  It’s a beautiful time to be tapping into both the Earth/ Ley Line Energies and the Galactic Energies.  Here is the link to sign up…

  • We are going to be feeling the energies continue to rise over the next few weeks.  Tonight’s Solar Eclipse will open a doorway.  That space, in between tonight’s Solar Eclipse and the Scorpio Total Lunar Eclipse that will happen May…

  • We are coming together to meditate today.  It’s a Black/ New Moon/ Solar Eclipse.  It’s also a day where the Earth Energies are at there highest.  We are going to be connecting with the Earth Energies of Beltane.  Meditation will…

  • This weekend will be lit.  Saturday brings us a Taurus New Moon which is also a Black Moon, and a Partial Solar Eclipse.  That means we are getting a double dose of New Moon Energies.  Dark Moons are a powerful…