Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • We are doing our Working With The Angels: Recognising The Signs Class today.  We are going to cover different types of angels, and how to better communicate with them.  We are going to cover reading the signs and messages being…

  • You can now start to look for the star Sirius.  We are celebrating its rising and it’s first morning appearance.  It should be visible again in the morning just before sunrise, August 11th.  We will continue to be in the…

  • We are at a beautiful place within the Lions Gate Portal.  It was amazing to connect with those of you that did activations with me yesterday.  If you didn’t get activated yesterday you can still sign up to be activated…

  • Happy 8/8 Portal and Leo New Moon.  It’s the peak of the Lions Gate Portal today!  Tonight our Earth will directly lines up with the Galactic Center.  This opens a powerful energetic portal.  This is a time when a ton…

  • I’m doing 8/8 Portal Activations today.  It’s the peak of the Lions Gate Portal and we have powerful energies to be working with.  These Galactic energies can awaken our DNA.  If you want to be activated, you just sign up……

  • We are moving into the peak of the Lions Gate Portal.  The entire galaxy is coming into a powerful alignment with our Planet.  The energies of the heavens are pouring in.  Right now your receiving extra assistance from the other…