Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • We are in four Meteor Showers right now, with three peaking all at once this week.  The Piscis Austrinids Meteor Shower kicks things off peaking today.  It will continue to be active til August 10th.  We have the Delta Aquariids…

  • Today is the Galactic New Year.  It’s the first day of a New Year of the galactic calendar, which is made up of 13 Moons, and 28 day cycles.  July 26 2021 to July 25, 2022 is the Yellow Electric…

  • I have put up a Galactic New Year Activation I’m doing today.  It’s amazing Energies right now.  It’s my favourite time of year.  I just got back from spending a few days at Stonehenge where we did some amazing grid…

  • We had a beautiful weekend at Stonehenge.  We went to Glastonbury Tor too.  These are always some of my favourite places to go.  We did some amazing grid work and put lots of intentions and energies out to awaken and…

  • We just spent the night camping at Stonehenge.  What a storm it was last night too.  We are going to be doing Stonehenge Stargate Activations all day today.  Everything is quite energetic as Monday is the Galactic New Year.  Here is…

  • We are counting down the days til Leo Season, which starts Thursday! Leo is meant to be the most fun sign of the entire zodiac.  It’s already bringing in big waves of New Energies.  This Leo Season is all about…