Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • Today Mercury in Leo opposes Pluto In Aquarius.  It will stay here all week creating a shift in mindset and bringing a spotlight to our words.  This is a powerful alignment that is helping us to clear negative thoughts, and…

  • Today Mercury in Leo opposes Pluto In Aquarius.  This alignment lasts all week.  This alignment influences how we connect with others, express ourselves, and think.  Remember Mercury is the messenger Planet.  Leo’s also has a flair for the dramatics.  Expect…

  • Retrograde season is ramping up.  Neptune is now Retrograde today too unto Dec 7th.  Neptune will also be Retrograde in the water sign Pisces, which is also its home sign.  This will send us into a collective review of all…

  • Neptune shifts Retrograde today.  This Retrograde lasts until Dec 7th.  It will bring with it a dreamy vibe and influence the collective for the rest of the year.  Retrogrades are spaces for reflection and reorienting.  This Retrograde will awaken our…

  • Today Saturn shifts Retrograde until Nov 15th.  These energies are all about healing karmic wounds, clearing karmic blocks, and getting things in order.  Expect your karmic past to be coming up more so you can let go of it more…

  • Saturn is now Retrograde for the next 4 1/2 months.  Saturn is one of the most strongest  Planets.  That means we will feel this Retrograde in a powerful way.   This Retrograde gives us time to think over and reassess…