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We are still feeling some Eclipse Aftershock vibes. This month we have some major moves and energies being made. The Sun and the Moon are super charged right now. It’s a great time to connect with the energies of either. …
The 12:12 Portal is a powerful space for doing healing and activation work. We are beginning to feel and receive those energies now. It’s a great time to be doing DNA work. I’m doing a 12:12 Portal activation. Make…
We are clearing a lot as we are prepping for Saturday’s Solar Eclipse. In less then 48 hours we will pass through the next Eclipse Gateway. Saturday’s Eclipse is also a Super New Moon. It’s a powerful game changer and…
December 14: Geminids Meteor Shower December 22: Ursids Meteor Shower December 7: Puppid-Velids Meteor Shower December 9: December Monocerotids Meteor Shower December 9: Sigma Hydrids Meteor Shower December 16: Comae Berenicids Meteor Shower December 19: December Leonis Minorids Meteor Shower…
The energies are coming in strong and they will get even more noticeable in 2022. December will be all about clearing the energies of the year, and anchoring into the new. We have some powerful alignments coming in December. …
Make sure you are checking out our Shop. I have so many healing sessions and readings, all specifically to assist you with your ascension path. If you are being guided to me go deeper into It. There is a reason. …
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