Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • We offer so many classes and healing services through our site.  Make sure your checking out the classes that we do.  You can find them in the Class Section of our Shop.  Each class comes with an attunment and certificate.…

  • A lot of you are feeling the Space Weather right now.  We have lots of solar wind and ascension energies hitting the planet right now.  It’s kicking off Geomagnetic Storms.  This year the frequencies will continue to go up, we…

  • We are come together for another live guided meditation Thursday, January 28th.  We have a Full Moon in Leo.  This Moon can really empower you, if you let it.  It’s very important that we are using the energy from these…

  • There is a lot of Energy that’s going to continue to pour in.  This entire planet is attempting something never done before.  To Ascend an entire planet into higher dimensions.  Your Frequency is going up as the Earth’s is continuing…

  • We have Shifted into a new element of air.  We are in Aquarius Season and an Aquarius Stellium.  We have a line up of three planets in Aquarius, and next month will make four.  This means we have a lot…

  • We are coming together to meditate on Saturday! We will be connecting with the energies of the Glastonbury Tor.  It’s a powerful time to be connecting with the Ley Lines and the Heart Chakra of the Planet.  Meditation is at…