Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • We are coming together to meditate today for the Cancer New Moon.  This Moon is extra powerful as it’s happening just a few days after the 7:7 Portal.  We are going to do some clearing and activation work.  Meditation is…

  • Happy 7:7 Portal.  We are still being flooded with the energies of our Spiritual Sun, Sirius.  Sirius is the Sun behind our Sun.  it’s a literal Portal, or Gateway to Heaven.  These are very high frequency Galactic Energies.  July is…

  • It’s the 7:7 Portal and I’m doing activations! This is an important Gateway to.  We can really tap into and use these codes for healing, manifesting, and expanding our consciousness.  Amazing energies for any Starseeds, Indigos, Blue Rays, Sirians, or…

  • The Light Codes are streaming In from Sirius.  The Sirius Gateway is open from the 3rd to the 7th.  Many Stars and Planets are vortex’s where energy enters or leaves our Universe.  Sirius is the most important of these vortexes. …

  • It’s the last day of June and we prepare for the New Energies coming with July.  We are starting to feel the Energies of the Sirius Gateway that is open from July 3rd-7th.  Sirius is our Spiritual Sun, behind our…

  • Our new class is up for the Chakras/ Earth’s Chakras.  You just sign up and I send you the little handbook and we go over it on live video.  You do have to sign up to get access to it. …