Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • We have made it through the Solstice Gateway.  We have Shifted Seasons, and will now move back into the light.  Right now there is still a huge influx of crystalline light still pouring in.  These waves of crystalline energies are…

  • We are coming together to meditate Sunday.  This is an Online Event.  This is our Glastonbury Meditation.  It’s also a huge Galactic Activation Portal Day.  We are entering a New Energy as we adjust to the energies of the 5th…

  • We are doing a meditation tomorrow for the Solstice.  This Solstice is powerful and is bringing with it some extra alignments this year.  It’s a massive Gateway!  We also are coming together to meditate next Sunday as well.  We will…

  • We are preparing Now, for the Winter Solstice.  The Sun begins a new solar cycle on the Winter Solstice.  This is also the first day of Winter.  This is a powerful portal.  It’s a gateway between worlds.  At this time,…

  • We are coming together to meditate for the Winter Solstice on Monday.  This is an Online Event.  This is a powerful Gateway and also the Great Conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn.  We have been going through a lot of Lightbody…

  • We are in such a powerful space as we prepare for tomorrow’s New Moon in Sagittarius.  It’s also a Solar Eclipse.  We will feel this Eclipse a little extra as we are still feeling all of the energy from yesterday’s…