Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • We have some massive shifts ahead of us this week.  The 11/11 Portal is already open and peaking.  This Gateway will stay open until The 29th too.  That makes the month of November powerful.  This space is all about manifesting. …

  • We have incoming Solar Flares and lots of Cosmic Energies that are affecting us right now.  We are going to continue to move through this same stream of solar wind through tomorrow too.  Today and tomorrow are also the last…

  • There is a lot of tension in the air this week.  In America we have the elections still In progress and here in the UK, we are shifting back into a complete lockdown.  The UK has been in some form…

  • This weekends Full Moon has opened its own Pleiadian Portal.  We have incoming ascension waves as we are still feeling these energies.  Taurus is known to create there own storms and we are still feeling the effects of the last…

  • The veil is getting thinner by the hour as we near Samhain/Halloween.  The veil is what separates our world from the spiritual world.  Samhain/ Halloween is a portal between the living and the dead.  During this time the dead return…

  • We have shifted into Scorpio Season.  This week will be intense as it’s bringing lots of different energies.  We have Samhain/Halloween, a Blue Moon, lots of Cosmic Rays, and Solar Flares.  Samhain/ Halloween is a Portal and it is already…