Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • We are coming together to meditate Saturday at 5pm UK time.  If your not able to make it live, you can always do it on replay, it works the same.  You just purchase it in our shop and we send…

  • This week we have a comet, a meteor shower, and tons of cosmic energies.  We are still really feeling last weeks conjunction between Jupiter and Pluto.  This transit was our third and final Jupiter and Pluto conjunction of the year. …

  • We are coming together Saturday to meditate.  We are doing our Pleiadian Meteor Shower Meditation at 5pm UK time.  You just sign up and we email you the link to the Facebook group we are using to live stream from. …

  • Many people are still feeling the upgrades as we are adjusting to the energies of the 11:11 Portal.  Today is Friday the 13th.  This cosmic alignment is all about the divine feminine.  Friday is a day named after the Goddess…

  • We did a beautiful meditation for 11:11.  We have another meditation event set up for Saturday for the Scorpio New Moon.  These are online meditations.  It’s very important that we are coming together to meditate.  When we do we are…

  • We have some massive shifts ahead of us this week.  The 11/11 Portal is already open and peaking.  This Gateway will stay open until The 29th too.  That makes the month of November powerful.  This space is all about manifesting. …