Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • Tonight’s Full Moon is it’s own portal that will carry us into the Autumn Equinox.  Lots of deep emotions are rising up with today’s Pisces Full Moon.  We are clearing some deep karma across the collective.  Many of you are…

  • There is so much magic in the air.  We are still in a geomagnetic storm.  We are in a very powerful solar wind stream right now.  We have tons of incoming waves of ascension energies and they are picking up…

  • We are not just daydreaming in this energy, we are creating.  We may have shifted into Virgo Season, but we are getting ready for next weeks Full Moon in Pisces.  This energy is all about you stepping into your power. …

  • We have shifted into Virgo Season.  This will bring a lot of grounding energy with it.  We have had a chaotic year so we can expect these energies to really help us.  We have a huge emphasis on healing right…

  • Today and tomorrow we continue our journey through the Milky Way Portal.  300 billion stars are shining down on you right now.  We are still going to be feeling a lot of lunar energies from yesterday’s New Moon in Leo. …

  • We can expect big shifts with today’s New Moon in Leo.  This Moon is also a Black Moon.  It’s the third New Moon in a season with four New Moons.  Each season should only have three New Moons.  Black Moons…