Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • We are really feeling tonight’s Scorpio Full Moon as it’s a Super Moon.  Tonight’s Pink Moon is the 2nd largest Moon of the year.  We are instant manifesting within these energies.  Many of you are also feeling the increase in…

  • We  are coming together to meditate tonight at 5pm UK time.  That’s noon New York time.  If you can’t catch it live, it always works the same on replay.  It’s a amazing time to tap into and too harness the…

  • We have entered Taurus Season. This Taurus Season has the potential to bring some really positive Energy Shifts. We will be feeling an increase in the incoming Pleiadian Energies over the next month. Taurus Season is very much a portal…

  • Incoming Solar Flares.  Last night we had a Sunspot erupt.  This ultraviolet flash most likely hurled a CME towards Earth.  Expect the Solar Winds to continue over the next few days.  The Space Weather had been going a little crazy…

  • Earth Day happens to be a powerful Ascension Portal this year.  It’s also the peak of the Lyrids Meteor Shower.  We have picked this day to do activations.  This energy is amazing to use for healing work.  We are better…

  • We are still in a stream of Solar Winds.  We will be within this energy stream the rest of today too.  The Earth’s magnetic field has been very unsettled the past few days.  Today the Sun, and Mercury Shift into…