Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • The Harvest Moon continues tonight and will be in conjunction with Mars.  There are some powerful cosmic energies colliding right now.  Mars is extra close to the Earth right now.  The next Mars Close Approach is October 6th.  This usually…

  • It’s rare to have two Full Moons in one month.  Tonight’s Full Moon, In Aries, is the first of two Full Moons in October.  It’s also the Harvest Moon.  It’s The closest Full Moon to the Equinox, that we just…

  • We are in the eye of the storm.  This is the third day in a row we have been in a massive stream of ascension energies.  This energy really will continue to build up towards tomorrow’s Full Moon In Aries. …

  • We have a Full Moon In Aries this week.  This is the Harvest Moon, and one of the more important moons of the year.  The energy is still so high from the Equinox too.  The energy has sort of reached…

  • You should be feeling the energies as tomorrow is the Autumn Equinox.  The Sun will pass over the celestial equator.  Tomorrow the length of day and night will be the same.  The balance of light is shifting and the seasons…

  • We have a New Moon in Virgo tomorrow.  This is actually a Super Moon.  This means the Moon will be much closer to Earth.  This makes the gravitation pull between the Moon and Earth much more intense.  It also influences…