Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • Join us Saturday 8/8 for the peak of the Lions Gate Portal.  It’s also the peak of the Perseus Meteor Shower.  We will be connecting to and tuning into the rising of our Spiritual Sun, the star Sirius, the Pyramids…

  • We have a Full Moon in Aquarius tonight.  This Full Moon is really being felt as we are right in the middle of this Lions Gate Portal.  We are getting used to the energies of 5D and many people are…

  • We have a lot of galactic energies coming into the planet right now.  We have energies streaming in right now from Sirius, Orion, Mintaka and the Central Sun. These are high frequency light codes and they contain a lot of…

  • Today is a lot of energy as it is a Galactic Activation Portal Day.  We can expect lots of upgrades.  This Leo Season is set to be extra powerful as we have tons of light codes pouring in through the…

  • Today is really powerful.  This Weekend is our Galactic New Year! Last Monday the 13th we began a series of 10 days of Galactic Activation Portal Days.  Today marks day 10 and a closing of this portal.  Today is the…

  • Last weekend we went to Stonehenge! It was a beautiful experience to.  This weekend we are going to visit a Crop Circle.  This month we have some powerful energies coming through.  We are actually in the middle of some intense…