Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • We are going through a major upgrade right now.  We are still in the Lions Gate Portal until the 12th.  The Earth is still in alignment with the Galactic Center of the Universe.  The Galactic Center is a source of…

  • We are coming together for another live guided meditation August 12th.  August 12th is the closing of the Lions Gate Portal we are in.  Earth also passes through the path of Comet Swift Tuttle for the peak of the Perseids…

  • We are well into the energies of the Lions Gate Portal.  The Sun and Sirius will continue to merge until a powerful portal is opened 8/8.  The alignment between our Spiritual Sun Sirius, Orion’s Belt, Earth and even the Great…

  • This is a week that will bring some major shifts with it.  We are in some powerful energy.  A lot of people are feeling the storm we are in.  We are moving through an area of space, in our Milky…

  • Join us Saturday 8/8 for the peak of the Lions Gate Portal.  It’s also the peak of the Perseus Meteor Shower.  We will be connecting to and tuning into the rising of our Spiritual Sun, the star Sirius, the Pyramids…

  • We have a Full Moon in Aquarius tonight.  This Full Moon is really being felt as we are right in the middle of this Lions Gate Portal.  We are getting used to the energies of 5D and many people are…