Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • This week we are going to see some major energy shifts.  Sunday’s Lunar Eclipse will close the Triple Eclipse Gateway.  This Eclipse will be in Capricorn and will mark the completion of a cycle.  We have tons of solar winds…

  • Things will be slowing down the rest of this week.  We have been integrating a lot of different energies.  We have a lot of upgrades that have came with with them to! Many people have been feeling the activations happening…

  • We are still in an eclipse gateway window until next week.  In fact we have just completed the second of three eclipses we will experience this Eclipse Season.  This is a triple eclipse gateway that we are in.  We will…

  • It is still Crop Circle Season here in the UK.  We are still in a powerful Gateway thanks to this weekends Solstice and Eclipse energies.  We have just passed through the second of three Eclipses.  We are right in the…

  • Happy Solstice! We are in a powerful vortex right now!  Today we had some powerful Portal energies hitting us.  We have a New Moon in Cancer.  It’s also a Solar Eclipse, or the Ring of Fire.  These are some powerful…

  • I’m doing a live guided meditation today at 4pm uk time.  Today is the Solstice and some of you know it’s one of my favourite energies to work with.  This is however the first Solstice we have done quarantined.  We…