Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • Today is a lot of energy as it is a Galactic Activation Portal Day.  We can expect lots of upgrades.  This Leo Season is set to be extra powerful as we have tons of light codes pouring in through the…

  • Today is really powerful.  This Weekend is our Galactic New Year! Last Monday the 13th we began a series of 10 days of Galactic Activation Portal Days.  Today marks day 10 and a closing of this portal.  Today is the…

  • Last weekend we went to Stonehenge! It was a beautiful experience to.  This weekend we are going to visit a Crop Circle.  This month we have some powerful energies coming through.  We are actually in the middle of some intense…

  • From the 12-24 we have 10 days in a row that are Galactic Activation Portal days.  We are in a powerful space from now until then.  It also means we are going to go through some intense upgrades.  Expect a…

  • You may feel a little bit dreamy during this time.  We are going to continue to go through a lot of energetic shifts this month.  We are still in a Retrograde Season.  Chiron is set to shift into retrograde Saturday…

  • We are getting ready to leave, we will be going to Stonehenge tomorrow. This is a powerful Stargate.  I consider it one of the entrances to the underworld.  Some consider it a doorway that can lead to alternate realities.  Stonehenge…