Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • What a week of cosmic energies we have ahead of us!  We have some big shifts coming.  We have Mercury shifting retrograde Thursday.  So make sure your communicating clearly.  Sometimes people tend to get mixed messages.  We can expect a…

  • We have a lot of different energies effecting us right now.  We are still in Venus Retrograde until June 25th.  This may be affecting your relationships and finances right now.  We are still in Retrograde Season, and it’s bringing your…

  • We just visited the Yin Yang crop circle that appeared May 30th in Wiltshire, England.  While crop circles may be found in many places, Wiltshire really is ground zero for them.  This is an area that’s like 20 minutes from…

  • We are in an Eclipse Season and Retrograde Season at the same time right now.  The Eclipse Gateway has opened and we will be in it for the next two weeks.  We are still feeling shock waves from Friday’s Lunar…

  • We are going through a Triple Eclipse Gateway.  Today’s Strawberry Full Moon In Sagittarius is also a Lunar Eclipse.  We will have a Solar Eclipse with the next New Moon in two weeks.  We have entered a powerful space during…

  • It’s Retrograde Season still and this week we have shifted into Eclipse Season.  Let’s not forget a lot of the world is still locked down from the pandemic.  This is a powerful time for humanity.  Things are getting intense as…