Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • Today is the third day in a row that is also a Galactic Activation Portal day.  We are extra in tune with the galactic heartbeat on these days.  It also means the veil between the physical and non-physical world is…

  • Right now the Sun is circling the Pleiades constellation, which is in between Taurus and Gemini.  This happens once a year from May 16-24th.  This is a Pleiadian Gateway.  We can expect a huge influx of energy to come into…

  • We had three planets shift retrograde this week.  Many have been feeling the effects of Saturn retrograde, Venus retrograde, and Jupiter retrograde.  Retrogrades are not meant to be a negative thing.  They help us reflect and release on deeper levels. …

  • Venus has shifted retrograde for the first time in two years.  It’s moving backwards in Gemini.  We will see lots of relationship shifts for the next 5 months.  This week has been intense energy for many.  We have lots of…

  • Today is a Galactic Activation Portal Day.  This is the Lunar rhythm which intermingles with the Galactic heartbeat.  On these days the veil between the physical and non-physical world is thinner.  These frequencies and vibrations contain knowledge.  This is the…

  • We have a lot of energetic changes ahead of us.  We are learning how to navigate new frequencies.  Tonight’s Full Moon in Scorpio is the end of this Supermoon Season we have been in.  It’s the last Supermoon of the…