Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • Today is a huge Portal for manifestation.  Today’s 111 Portal is going to assist us with anchoring into new, much higher frequencies.  It’s also going to assist us with some of the things we have been clearing.  There is also…

  • Happy 111 Portal! 11 is meant to be a message from your angels.  It’s also a Gateway into higher states of consciousness.  We are connecting with the angelic realms today! The energies of the 111 Portal are powerful.  11 is…

  • Get ready as we prepare for a double CME to strike the Earths magnetic field sometime tomorrow.  Since there are two the impact will be a lot stronger.  These burst of plasma are causing all sorts of fun space weather. …

  • Incoming Energies! We are taking advantage of the wave coming in, to do some healing and meditation today.  It’s a powerful activation day and we have tons of galactic energies streaming in.  Make sure your signed up to meditate with…

  • Happy New Year!  We are in a powerful space for creation right now.  The frequencies are going up on the Planet which is opening us up for instant manifestation.  It’s a great time to be sending your intentions out to…

  • You just ‘know’ or sense that something is happening/changing. You just feel different for reasons you can’t explain. Stomach and digestive issues, IBS, gasto-intestial problems; loss of appetite; periods of unexplained nausea. Sudden changes in body temperatures; increased sensitivity or…