Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • We still have Mercury Retrograde going on until March 9th.  We have Pluto influencing Venus this week, so there is a lot coming up in relationships during this time.  We are meant to be clearing these things so that we…

  • We have a lot of energy streaming in the past few days.  This is a huge adjustment for our physical bodies.  Earlier this week Mercury has gone Retrograde in Pisces.  We also have a New Moon in Pisces Sunday.  Since…

  • Today we have a powerful alignment between Jupiter and Neptune.  This is bringing a lot of positive energy with it.  Make sure your paying attention to any messages your receiving during this time.  We have shifted into Pisces and we…

  • This Mercury Retrograde is happening in Pisces.  It’s encouraging us to go deeper within the emotional.  This is not the best time to make any big decisions.  Instead take time to reflect on what’s going on within.  Many people have…

  • Tonight we have a Scorpio Moon that is opposite Taurus.  That means there is a ton of creative and highly sexual energy flying around.  These energies have also been making things very intense.  As we continue to move forward with…

  • I hope your feeling all of that energy flying around.  This shift will be taking us to much higher frequencies.  We have a ton of Lunar and Solar energies beginning to merge.  We also have many waves of Galactic energies incoming. …