Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • We have a busy week astrologically and energetically.  Tonight we have a New Moon in Scorpio.  This is the element of water so it rules the emotional.  We are between worlds and dimensions this time of year.  It’s beginning to…

  • We still have Halley’s Comet burning up in our atmosphere.  It’s literally been raining stars.  This is a time to make a wish on those shooting stars.  We are are being shown that manifesting works and to stay aligned and…

  • The shift in seasons is reminding us that we need to slow down.  Things are shifting around astrologically.  This is a huge time for personal transformation.  We are integrating a lot of energies, so this is a good time to…

  • There is a lot of highly charged energies coming in at this time.  New frequencies of light are shaking up the collective.  The old is being challenged at this time.  Tonight’s Full Moon in Aries is here to break down…

  • We are getting ready to shift through the 10:10 portal tomorrow.  This storm is now beginning to peak creating an energetic Gateway.  This can be used for powerful things.  We also will have a Full Moon in Aries this weekend,…

  • We can expect some serious frequency shifts this week.  We are about to step into a new stream of even higher frequency energy.  These are supercharged particles of light.  We can expect a lot of these energies to begin to…