Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • We have a lot we need to bring into balance, both individually and collectively. The wheel is turning and we have shifted seasons into autumn. This is meant to be a time of celebration and gratitude for the progress we…

  • I will be doing a ceremony/ event from Doll Tor later today. This is a portal to the fairy realms, a doorway to the other worlds. This is a magical forrest and land of the fae to the pagans. These…

  • Saturn has shifted direct. We can feel its effects pushing us to wrap up any karmic lose ends. The past 6 months we have been clearing a lot of karma on individual and collective levels. With Chiron in retrograde this…

  • We have a lot of energies coming into the Planet at this time. Many people are experiencing a spiritual awakening during this time. Those that are awake are becoming more and more tuned in to the different energies around them.…

  • We have been going through some powerful energetic shifts. This is a space between Gateways. We have just passed through the 9/9 Portal and and are headed into the Autumn Equinox Gateway. We are doing a lot of upgrades and…

  • We have a Full Moon in Pisces on Friday. This Moon is meant to cleanse us for the Equinox. Pisces governs the element of water, which is all about the emotional. We have had huge influxes of energy affecting us…