Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • Things have shifted and will continue to shift around us.  We have a powerful astrology for self discovery.  These energies are encouraging you to go within.  This is a time for reflection.  The Eclipse energies are creating an energetic reset. …

  • Chiron has shifted into retrograde giving us an opportunity to cleanse our heart chakra.  This may be bringing up old wounds or programming not serving you.  We took on a lot of karmic lessons and ancestral programming in manifesting into…

  • Im going to be going to the Yarnbury Castle Crop Circle in Wiltshire in a few minutes.  I’ll be doing some amazing healing activations there.  Here is the link to sign up.  I highly recommend using this Space Storm Gateway…

  • The incoming energy waves are intensifying with this ascension.  They have been knocking out satellites and other technologies.  There is a lot of Galactic energies being sent to us to assist in our spiritual evolution.  These are photonic encoded plasma…

  • This month is powerful for our spiritual evolution.  We have entered a dimensional doorway energetically.  This Eclipse Gateway is a powerful manifesting energy.  The vibe is about to get intense the rest of the week.  Venus enters Cancer today bringing…

  • Ley Lines are the meridians of the Earth.  The Ley Lines send out a magnetic energy, and can cause a powerful surge of Earth energy.  There are many supernatural areas across the consciousness grid that produce energy vortexes.  These vortexes…