Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • We have the energy of this New Moon in Cancer being amplified by the incoming Solar Eclipse energy.  Emotions may be running high as we continue to reactivate our spiritual software.  For to long humanity has been far to comfortable…

  • We have the ability to create anything that we want.  Despite this being a place for creators many are still creating on the 3rd dimensional templates of separateness.  We see poverty, famine, and disease playing out still on these lower…

  • I have been in the United Kingdom for a year now.  My pull to be here would be that just as I need to be activated for this Ascension so does Gaia.  The Ley Lines here are on the Earth’s…

  • I will be live streaming from the Summer Solstice Crop Circle tomorrow.  This is an important time for humanity.  The inter-dimensional is trying to get your attention.  There is a dimensional shift occurring and with it many encoded messages and…

  • We hit 92 Hz today!! The Schumann Resonance is increasing fast! The Earth is changing her frequency.  It’s up to us to adjust to that frequency.  Prepare for The Event.  This Planet is undergoing a Galactic merger.  We are Shifting,…

  • Your DNA is crystallising.  The Mayan calendar was never about the death of the world, it was always a rebirth of the collective consciousness.  We are becoming crystalline beings of light.  Human DNA is made of carbon.  We know that…