Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • We did a beautiful trip to the Sacred Site the Doll Tor last night.  The energy from the 12/12 portal and Full Moon was amazing.  I love to work with the energies of the Earth and the Ley Lines during…

  • Don’t miss the Transmission I’m doing tonight from our 12/12 group! You just sign up and get the link to join… We will be live from the Sacred Site the Doll Tor, a fairy realm..

  • I’m getting very excited about the rest of this month.  Thursday will kick off an intense energetic reaction.  We are getting ready to go through the 12/12 portal.  We will also have a Full Moon in Gemini on Thursday.  This…

  • Thursday we have the 12/12 Portal, and a Full Moon in Gemini.  This is the last Moon phase before the Eclipse on the 26th.  The 12th also will have a triple conjunction between Venus, Saturn, and Pluto.  This is powerful…

  • How do you respond to a calling to a Planet that is in the process of destroying itself.  Well we have dispatched millions of starseeds as our ground crew.  Each one of these starseeds is being activated for service during…

  • I hope your ready to ride this wave into 2020.  We have made many shifts in 2019 to prepare for this new energy.  We are closing up an entire decade, and the karma that came with it.  The next several…