Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • Today is Midsummer Eve, and tomorrow Midsummer.  Welcome to the Midsummer Fairy Portal.  There is a lot of magic in the air, and the spiritual is extra busy right now.  During this time the veil between worlds is really thin. …

  • Today we have Mercury in Cancer square the North Node in Aries.  It’s all about destiny, and aligning with your destiny.  We will see those themes continue to play out over the next few weeks, as destiny is a major…

  • Today we have Mercury In Cancer Square North Node in Aries.  This alignment is all about destiny.  That means we are doing a major clearing of energies to shift into a deeper alignment with our current and future path.  This…

  • Happy Capricorn Strawberry Full Moon.  This Solstice is bringing some major clearing vibes.  The old is coming up for clearing.  We are moving into much higher frequency energies.  This means your body is pushing things to the surface for you…

  • Happy Capricorn Full Moon! This is our Solstice Strawberry Moon! Due to Venus being in the mix your heart chakra is more open than usual.  This means you may be feeling more emotional than usual.  Passion is in the air…

  • Happy Summer Solstice! This is a significant point on the Wheel of the year.  It’s the longest day of light for those shifting into Summer, and the longest day of darkness for those shifting into the Winter.  We celebrate the…