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Today Pluto has shifted into Aquarius where it will remain for the next 20 years. Expect huge changes and shake ups on a personal and collective level. Expect a lot of deep soul growth. Today Mercury in Sagittarius aligns with…
We have a lot of energies streaming in right now from our Central Sun. Earth and our Sun are now aligned with the Pleiades. We are in the November Pleiadian Alignment until the 23rd. This means we are receiving a…
We are in the November Pleiadian Alignment. The Pleiadian Alignment occurs when the Earth and the Sun are in perfect alignment with the Pleiades. During the Pleiadian Alignment, the Pleiadian energies are felt very strongly on Earth as they are…
Venus is in Capricorn until Dec 7th. This may be making things a little serious in your love life. We are now in the final weeks of 2024. It’s all about having clear vision for the long term. Today Venus…
Venus aligns with the nodes of fate and destiny today. This means it’s pushing up energies from your past to heal and clear karmically. This helps you to move forward into a higher frequency. These energies are all about your…
Today brings us the last Super Moon of the year. November ends a four-month Super Moon streak that started in August. You will be feeling these energies strongly. This Taurus Full Moon is actually helping to shift us into the…
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