Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • We had a high spike on the Schumann Resonance at 54 HZ followed by a frequency crash, then another spike to 36 HZ.  What are considered normal values are changing within these new frequencies.  We are within a geomagnetic storm…

  • Get ready for some major changes in your life.  There are many shifts in consciousness being made at this time.  This is a time of a great collective change.  There has been a calling put out, one meant to return…

  • As your making this spiritual ascension you may be connecting to other star systems.  The stars are the holders of ancestral knowledge.  Connecting to star energy is an ancient practice.  The Maya, Native Americans and Egyptians obtained much of their…

  • This week we had the biggest solar flare hit since 2017.  The Ascension energies are not only going to get very intense this year, they are leading us into a new paradigm ultimately.  This is not just solar flare energy…

  • The illusion will continue to crumble with these energetic adjustments being made.  Anything not based in love or not for your highest good is being stripped away.  This has always been the illusion.  The outer world as you know it…

  • Saturn retrograde is coming to collect what it owes.  Any energy you have put out since last September will now come full circle.  Whether this is a karmic debt or balance has been up to you.  Once you become consciously…