Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • The illusion will continue to crumble with these energetic adjustments being made.  Anything not based in love or not for your highest good is being stripped away.  This has always been the illusion.  The outer world as you know it…

  • Saturn retrograde is coming to collect what it owes.  Any energy you have put out since last September will now come full circle.  Whether this is a karmic debt or balance has been up to you.  Once you become consciously…

  • Reality as you know it is shifting.  We have shifted into Taurus which is ruled by Venus, the Planet of love and manifestation.  It’s time to release any past lessons or past programmed behaviours that are not serving you.  This…

  • This energy has shifted to Taurus.  It’s Venus’s time to shine.  Love must now become a priority.  Many timelines will now collide around us.  Events that have been a long time in the making.  The Universe only ever simplify seeks…

  • The energetic shift should feel apparent.  It’s time to let the lessons you just went through go.  Just as the energy has changed in dynamic and shifted so must your focus.  It’s time to realise you are the foundation of…

  • You can no longer ignore this energy guiding you.  Let people judge your journey from the outside, it’s for you to understand within.  People can no longer deny the existence of this energy Source as everything is being brought into…