Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • Take advantage of this Full Moon.  I’ll be doing an Energy Report live video feed on Facebook and a Special Event Activation through my website.  This activation is a Etheric Crystal Encoding Activation.  This activation is a third eye upgrade…

  • It’s time to focus on the good.  This is all about changing your perspective.  Your mindset is everything.  Each thought is putting out a frequency that creates your experiences.  It’s up to you to reprogram once you wake up.  We…

  • If you want to heal you must let go of the things that have become toxic to your soul.  You’ll notice as you progress on your spiritual path you should be becoming much more energy sensitive.  This is a spiritual…

  • While we have all of this Aries energy there is an undercurrent of Pisces energy.  This may be stirring the elements within, a lot of people have been hitting an overload.  We are gearing up for a new semester here…

  • You only ever can lose something not meant for your highest good.  The people that are not in alignment with who your becoming are being removed at this time.  It’s important to remember that something better will always vibrate into…

  • We are shifting.  We continue through this Energy Gateway.  It’s acting as a bridge carrying us into the new.  The things no longer serving you are falling away.  The people and situations that are no longer a match to your…