Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • Happy 7:7 Portal! The 7:7 Portal is bringing a huge influx of energies.  Our planet is being flooded from energies from our Great Central Sun and Sirius.  Sirius, our Sun, and the Earth are now aligned.  This weekend has brought…

  • Today Venus in Cancer is Square Chiron in Aries, creating some tension, especially when it comes to matters of the heart.  This Venus-Chiron square brings your attention to unhealed wounds that are still impacting your relationship choices and how you…

  • Today we have a Venus square Chiron.  The Planet of love merges with the asteroid that holds what you need to heal and your old wounds.  This alignment is bringing up any old wounds of blocks around love that you…

  • Happy Cancer New Moon.  We are also in the Sirius Gateway.  The 7:7 Portal is the peak of this Gateway and is bringing big energies.  This Cancer New Moon happens during the Sirius gateway and is conjunct not only the…

  • We are in the energies of our Cancer New Moon and Sirius Gateway.  This Cancer New Moon can help you get in touch with your intuition and to find ways to bring more security, comfort, and emotional understanding into your…

  • Today Mercury in Leo opposes Pluto In Aquarius.  It will stay here all week creating a shift in mindset and bringing a spotlight to our words.  This is a powerful alignment that is helping us to clear negative thoughts, and…