Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • There is magic all around you.  We have so many different types of energies merging all around us, we are making huge vibrational shifts right now.  People expect to perceive the spiritual visually.  Energy has to be felt.  We are…

  • We are feeling the aftermath of this  Eclipse.  We have Uranus moving direct again.  This energy has come with a powerful momentum.  The time has come to move us to much higher timelines.  With all of the Planets moving direct…

  • We are feeling the after effects of this Space Storm.  The Earth’s  magnetosphere is very excited right now.  You can look at the magnetosphere as the Earth’s aura and natural defence system.  We have interesting things happening to the energy…

  • We have opened our Awakening to Ascension class space back up on Facebook.  This is a class, we will run the entire year.  It is for people at all different levels.  I’ve found when you come together to learn in…

  • With this Capricorn energy we have a huge focus on bringing up the vibrational frequency.  A good place to start is with your house.  De-clutter, let go of anything your not currently using.  When we hold on to old ideas…

  • This is a time where intentions are forming out path.  This New Moon in Capricorn and Solar Eclipse are merging energies with a powerful Space Storm.  This is a gateway to the new, anything your soul longs to create.  This…