Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • ‍ When your pregnant your food and drinks are passed on to the baby.  So while pregnant your baby will be very sensitive to what your eating and drinking.  You can’t take a lot of the detox herbs we use. …

  • This energy is doing a sweep of our solar plexus chakra.  When we see ourselves as powerless it keeps us in a 3rd dimensional state of awareness.  The majority of starseed chose to incarnate here with lessons in this chakra. …

  • The awakening is occurring all around us.  Even the sleeping can see there is something occurring here.  The 3D constructs of fear and imposed will are over.  Humanity is remembering their Divine potential.  This will be a time when humanity…

  • Friday we had an eruption in the Sun’s Southern Hemisphere.  This sent a CME into space.  This expanding cloud is headed toward Earth.  We can expect for this CME to deliver a blow to Earth’s magnetic field on Wednesday.  This…

  • We are attempting to push back any constraints of the mind.  Our sleep is the best insight we can get into our subconscious.  This is our week of rest.  It’s the best time to be exploring the dream states.  This…

  • We have the energy of 11:11:11 today.  This entire month is holding this vibration.  This is a suspension in time, a space in between two realities.  This is a master number, a channel to the subconscious.  11 is very symbolic…