Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • Too many people are too comfortable residing in their shadow.  What we focus on we continually recreate.  It’s never good to revisit past traumas or negative experiences.  Any time you do, your going to experience those same events again.  We…

  • There are new quarantines being issued for many of our channels.  Many of you rely on them too much.  Their only role is to act as a compass, directing you back to yourself.  You may want to reassess the energetic…

  • People are looking towards a singular Event.  This is an unfolding of energy.  There are many powerful dynamics at play right now.  We are about to shift from Venus to Mercury Retrograde.  While the emphasis is on the relationships around…

  • This Space Storm energy has created a Stargate.  We have many energies hitting the Planet right now.  This portal has activated and will remain open until January 11th.  This is to help you shift to higher potential points on your…

  • Trying to label love usually turns into very hard lessons.  Love is infinite and there are infinite expressions of it.  Spiritual Union is the ultimate attainment.  To reach this place, you must have healed completely.  You must make every aspect…

  • The Sun and Moon meet today in Scorpio.  Scorpio is Pluto ruled, God of the Underworld.  This energy is pushing you to remove the layers.  It’s about diving deep within the depths of your soul, too emerge knowing who you…