Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • There are many myths and prophecies about the Rainbow Warriors.  A person with a rainbow aura is attuned to the spiritual frequencies of the fifth dimension.  The rainbow aura is clear and holds every colour of vibration.  It is a…

  • Sex is often thought of a form of procreation.  It’s a powerful energy exchange on all levels.  When you have sex with someone you permanently merge your energy together with them.  You also can create soul ties.  If you ever…

  • Scorpio is the mythological underworld.  We continue our trip through the shadow side of humanity, we delve deeper into our subconscious.  Mars in Aquarius should be pushing you to take action in your life.  It’s time to clear anything holding…

  • This energy is a celestial wakeup call.  This New Moon in Libra will act as a reflection of your inner self.  It’s encouraging us to enter the flow of our own potential.  If any conflicts are coming to the surface,…

  • Embrace the changes occurring within yourself.  Things are changing rapidly.  Your making huge shifts in your perspective, and that’s what this is all about.  October’s energy will be huge for this Planetary Ascension we are attempting to complete.  These energies…

  • It’s time to imagine the impossible.  Many still feel things are tipped against our favour during these times.  This is a period of great transformation.  While your learning to navigate the nature of reality your making many timeline jumps.  We…