Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • Let me break down the basics of the elements currently at play.  There is currently a struggle for control between forces of dark and forces of light.  They wanted you on drugs in any capacity.  They then assume you have…

  • Be careful navigating through others darkness.  These realities become your own, just as the energy around you does.  While we came to heal, healing is a path found within oneself.  We can only shine our light, it’s up to others…

  • Love should never make you feel broken.  It’s meant to remind you how whole you are.  Love is the balancing of energy through a mutual energy exchange.  It’s a way we polarise our energies.  It’s meant to be the ultimate…

  • Sirius is opening a gateway during this storm. It’s a portal to higher realms of consciousness, a gateway to the heavens. Last month the Sun merged with this Sirian energy setting a path for these higher frequency energies. Sirian energies…

  • This journey is about healing ourselves.  When we go through any type of trauma we lose aspects of ourselves.  Part of our soul leaves the body so that our consciousness can survive whatever is occurring.  People develop issues when this…

  • You have many tools at your disposal for this journey.  You should be using the Violet Flame.  People have different healing styles, but I’m very visual.  You can just visualise yourself in purple light.  I do this every time I…