Today, On Sparks Of Divine Light Healing…

  • The Blue Star Healing system originated in Egypt, this advanced healing system comes from the Pleiades star system.  This system emphasizes merging Galactic and spiritual healing systems.  It is a Galactic spiritual transmission meant to bridge the gap between the…

  • The same knowledge we brought to teach at the beginning of this cycle has led to our current reality.  We saw a very real cause and effect this cycle, that began with us.  We came and brought Universal law to…

  • Are you ready to set aside everything for Love? Your Soul is beginning to put out a very real calling for you. Fear is your only obstacle.  It will require setting aside everything you have become accustomed to.  Your realities…

  • Our egos have this need to try to organize everything, including time.  There is this idea that time is fixed to a particular frequency of a clock.  Your experiences are based on a brain chemistry.  When we experience R.E.M. sleep…

  • Our reality has a lot to do with technology at this point. With the increase in technology we saw very real changes beginning to occur.  Technology was used for the negative on humanity.  These are not technologies of this world, that have…

  • People are only now beginning to understand the natures of true time outside of thier current enslavement programs.  Our Universe is one of many, they are always bouncing off of each other like infinite marbles.  Time is an illusion.  There…